A great aspect that goes well with this Skill is the Flesh-Rending Aspect. It also amplifies your damage, making it another decent way to destroy multiple enemies on the floor as they’re getting demolished by Blight and Corpse Explosion. Going back to restoring Essence, you’ll be casting Decomposeall throughout. By this time, you’ll have enough Corpses on the ground to detonate them into more AoE DoT puddles. Since Blight requires Essence, you’re going to want to drain this resource and then switch over to using Corpse Explosion. This major Skill will also Slow them down and further boost your and your Minions’ overall damage by 15%.

Doing so will deal massive damage over time (DoT) in a decent-sized AoE puddle. The general strategy for this Diablo IV Beginner Buildis to start by deploying Blight into a pack of enemies.

If you’ve been looking for a Diablo 4 Beginner Necromancer Build that is aimed at World Tiers 1 & 2, and one where you summon deadly minions to do your bidding while stacking Damage Over Time effects, then this Diablo 4 Build Guide is for you!
#Dark grim reaper summoners how to#
#Dark grim reaper summoners upgrade#
This is because of the Reaper's second upgrade which is the ability to create new corpses by attacking enemies. Always prioritize having skeletons up then spamming Corpse Explosion after! Use Corpse Explosion When Minions Are AliveĪs mentioned in our Priority Tip above, we only want to use Corpse Explosion when we have skeletons. However, wihout our skeleton reapers, we will quickly run out of corpses to use against our enemies. The amount of DPS we can dish out with Corpse Explosion is strong. Note that this is an endgame build and its skill build progression is not ideal to be followed as a new characterĪlways Prioritize Having Skeletons Over Corpse Explosion