Alternatively, you may use one of the following commands to see a list without a description:
To see a full list of keyboard models, layouts, variants and options, along with a short description, open /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst. The layout name is usually a 2-letter country code. For example, to have the default us layout as primary and the dvorak variant of us layout as secondary, specify us,us as XkbLayout and ,dvorak as XkbVariant. If you want the default variant, specify an empty string as the variant (the comma must stay). Note: You must specify as many variants as the number of specified layouts.

See the #Frequently used XKB options section for examples. Used for specifying layout switching, notification LED, compose mode etc. XkbOptions contains some extra options (comma-separated).For instance, the default sk (Slovak) variant is qwertz, but you can manually specify qwerty, etc. XkbVariant selects a specific layout variant available for the XkbLayout.if you want to quickly switch between layouts. Multiple layouts may be specified in a comma-separated list, e.g. XkbLayout selects the keyboard layout.But for instance laptops usually have some extra keys, and sometimes you can make them work by simply setting a proper model. This has an influence only for some extra keys your keyboard might have. Keyboard layout in Xorg can be set in multiple ways. $ xkblayout-state print "%s" de Setting keyboard layout There are some "unofficial" utilities which allow to print specific information about the currently used keyboard layout. Symbols: pc+us+inet(evdev)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)

Trying to build keymap using the following components: $ setxkbmap -print -verbose 10 Setting verbose level to 10 You can use the following command to see the actual XKB settings: Note: XKB options can be overridden by the tools provided by some desktop environments such as GNOME and KDE.